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It would be more fun to play if enemies weren't bullet sponges..


Those robots at the start are INVINCIBLE!!! Nothing I do can kill them.

How the hell am I supposed to get ANYWHERE if I'm blocked by unkillable killing machines?


Yeah, they are a bit harder to kill but if you use weapon no.3 and aim for a middle it's much easier. Check out the walkthrough if you have time: Youtube

Right. Though I ran into a bug in the Newgrounds version:
When I killed the first  soldier, no key was dropped and I was locked out.

I swear, I checked if the key wasn't somewhere else.

That is definitely a bug, the key should appear every time because player can't move forward without it. It could be a WebGl thing if you are talking about the web version, there are some issues with guns disappearing after the switch, player moving forward after cut scenes and collision problems that doesn't appear in desktop version.

Yeah, it was the WebGl version. And yes, the shotgun DOES have the habit of randomly not showing up when I switch to it.
And my guy DOES move forward during the robot cutscene.

(1 edit)

Gonna look into that soon, gun reappears when fired and after-cut movement stops when opposite direction is clicked but key disappearing is a showstopper. Luckily these happen only in WebGL version, unless player is a Mac user there is always a Win desktop build. Also I'm gonna try and compile an Android version, probably there will be a whole new set of different bugs in that one :)